Tracer methods

Most of the tutorials use fresnel.preview() and fresnel.pathtrace() to render output images. This is a convenience API, and there are cases where it is not appropriate. To render many frames, such as in a movie or interactive visualization, use a Tracer directly to avoid overhead.

import fresnel
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot
%matplotlib inline
device = fresnel.Device()
scene = fresnel.Scene(device=device)
position = []
for i in range(6):
    position.append([2*math.cos(i*2*math.pi / 6), 2*math.sin(i*2*math.pi / 6), 0])

geometry = fresnel.geometry.Sphere(scene, position = position, radius=1.0)
geometry.material = fresnel.material.Material(solid=0.0, color=fresnel.color.linear([1,0.874,0.169])*0.9)
geometry.outline_width = 0.12 =, view='front', margin=0.2)

Common Tracer operations

The Tracer must use the same device as the Scenes it renders. Each Tracer maintains an output image, and the width w and height h must be defined when the tracer is created.

tracer = fresnel.tracer.Preview(device=device, w=300, h=300)

Rendering and accessing output images

The render method renders the output.

out = tracer.render(scene)

The return value of render is a proxy reference to the internal image buffer of the Tracer. You can access with a numpy array like interface.

array([139, 121,  21, 255], dtype=uint8)

The output object also provides an interface for jupyter to display the image.


tracer.output also accesses the output buffer.


The tracer can render a modified scene without the initialization overhead.

[7]: = (1,0,0)

After rendering, existing references to the output buffer will access the newly rendered image.


Evaluate image exposure

Tracer provides several methods to evaluate image exposure. Enable highlight warnings to flag overexposed pixels in the output image.


The test image is exposed correctly, there are no warning pixels.


Make the main light brighter to show the highlight warnings.

scene.lights[0].color = (1.2, 1.2, 1.2)

Tracer can also compute the image histogram to evaluate image exposure.

L, bins = tracer.histogram()
pyplot.fill_between(bins, L[:,3], color='blue');
pyplot.fill_between(bins, L[:,2], color='green');
pyplot.fill_between(bins, L[:,1], color='red');
pyplot.fill_between(bins, L[:,0], color='gray');
pyplot.axis(ymax=400, ymin=0)
(-0.04794921875, 1.04990234375, 0, 400)

Resizing the output buffer

Call resize to set a new size for the output. When the image is resized, any existing rendered output is lost.

tracer.resize(w=150, h=150)

The next call to render will render into the new output size.


The Preview tracer

The Preview tracer renders output images quickly with approximate lighting effects.

tracer = fresnel.tracer.Preview(device=device, w=300, h=300)

A different random number seed will result in different jittered anti-aliasing samples.

tracer.seed = 12

Here is a different scene rendered with the Preview tracer:

position = []
for k in range(5):
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            position.append([2*i, 2*j, 2*k])
scene = fresnel.Scene(device)
scene.lights[1].theta = math.pi

geometry = fresnel.geometry.Sphere(scene, position = position, radius=1.0)
geometry.material = fresnel.material.Material(color=fresnel.color.linear([0.1,0.1,0.4]),
tracer.resize(w=450, h=450)
tracer.aa_level = 3

The Path tracer

The Path tracer supports soft lighting, reflections, and other lighting effects.

Here is the same scene with the path tracer:

path_tracer = fresnel.tracer.Path(device=device, w=450, h=450)
path_tracer.sample(scene, samples=64, light_samples=40)

The Path tracer performs many independent samples and averages them together. reset() starts averaging a new image.


render() accumulates a single sample into the resulting image.


The resulting image is noisy, average many samples together to obtain a clean image.

for i in range(64):


This page was generated from a jupyter notebook. You can download and run the notebook locally from the fresnel-examples repository.