
Fresnel binaries are available in the glotzerlab-software Docker/Singularity images and in packages on conda-forge. You can also compile fresnel from source.


Anaconda package

Fresnel is available on conda-forge. To install, first download and install miniconda. Then add the conda-forge channel and install fresnel:

▶ conda config --add channels conda-forge
▶ conda install fresnel

jupyter and matplotlib are required to execute the fresnel example notebooks:

▶ conda install jupyter matplotlib


The fresnel package on conda-forge does not support GPUs

Singularity / Docker images

See the glotzerlab-software documentation for container usage information and cluster specific instructions.

Compile from source

Obtain the source

Download source releases directly from the web:

▶ curl -O

Or, clone using git:

▶ git clone --recursive

Fresnel uses git submodules. Either clone with the --recursive option, or execute git submodule update --init to fetch the submodules.

Configure a virtual environment

When using a shared Python installation, create a virtual environment where you can install fresnel:

▶ python3 -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment --system-site-packages

Activate the environment before configuring and before executing fresnel scripts:

▶ source /path/to/virtual/environment/bin/activate

Tell CMake to search in the virtual environment first:

▶ export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/virtual/environment


Other types of virtual environments (such as conda) may work, but are not thoroughly tested.

Install Prerequisites

fresnel requires:

  • C++11 capable compiler

  • CMake >= 3.8

  • pybind11 >= 2.2

  • Python >= 3.5

  • numpy

  • Qhull >= 2015.2

  • For CPU execution (required when ENABLE_EMBREE=ON):

    • Intel TBB >= 4.3.20150611

    • Intel Embree >= 3.0.0

  • For GPU execution (required when ENABLE_OPTIX=ON):

    • OptiX >= 4.0

    • CUDA >= 7.5

ENABLE_EMBREE (defaults ON) and ENABLE_OPTIX (defaults OFF) are orthogonal settings, either or both may be enabled.

Additional packages may be needed:

  • pyside2

    • Required t.o enable interactive widgets. (runtime)

  • pillow

    • Required to display rendered output in Jupyter notebooks automatically. (runtime)

    • Required to execute unit tests.

  • pytest

    • Required to execute unit tests.

  • sphinx, sphinx_rtd_theme, and nbspinx

    • Required to build the user documentation.

  • doxygen

    • Requited to build developer documentation.

Install these tools with your system or virtual environment package manager. fresnel developers have had success with pacman (arch linux), apt-get (ubuntu), Homebrew (macOS), and MacPorts (macOS):

▶ your-package-manager install cmake doxygen embree pybind11 python python-pillow python-pytest python-sphinx python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-nbsphinx intell-tbb qhull

Typical HPC cluster environments provide python, numpy, and cmake via a module system:

▶ module load gcc python cmake


Packages may be named differently, check your system’s package list. Install any -dev packages as needed.


You can install numpy and other python packages into your virtual environment:

python3 -m pip install numpy


Configure with cmake and compile with make:

▶ cd /path/to/fresnel
▶ mkdir build
▶ cd build
▶ cmake ../
▶ make install -j10

By default, fresnel builds the Embree (CPU) backend. Pass -DENABLE_OPTIX=ON to cmake to enable the GPU accelerated OptiX backend.

Run tests

To test fresnel builds without installing, add the build directory to your PYTHONPATH:

▶ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/fresnel/build

Execute pytest in the source directory to run all tests.

cd /path/to/fresnel
▶ pytest

Build user documentation

Build the user documentation with sphinx:

▶ cd /path/to/fresnel
▶ cd doc
▶ make html
▶ open build/html/index.html

Build C++ Documentation

To build the developer documentation, execute doxygen in the repository root. It will write HTML output in devdoc/html/index.html.