
Each Scene is attached to a specific Device. The Device controls what hardware the ray tracing executes on. Scene implicitly creates a default Device when you do not specify one.

The default device#

The default device automatically selects GPU ray tracing if the gpu module is compiled and there is at least one gpu present in the system - otherwise it selects CPU ray tracing.

import fresnel
device = fresnel.Device()

Query available execution modes#

The available_modes static variable lists which execution modes are available. This will vary based on compile time options and whether there is a GPU present in the system.

['gpu', 'cpu', 'auto']

available_gpus lists the GPUs available for rendering in the system.

for g in fresnel.Device.available_gpus:
 [0]:        Quadro RTX 5000   48 SM_7.5 @ 1.82 GHz,  8198 MiB DRAM

Choose execution hardware#

Explicitly manage a Device to control what hardware the ray tracing executes on. Converting the device to a string provides a short summary of the device configuration.

gpu = fresnel.Device(mode='gpu')
<fresnel.Device: Enabled OptiX devices:
 [0]:        Quadro RTX 5000   48 SM_7.5 @ 1.82 GHz,  8198 MiB DRAM
cpu = fresnel.Device(mode='cpu')
<fresnel.Device: All available CPU threads>

Set n to specify how many CPU threads or GPUs to use in parallel. By default, a device will use all available CPU cores or GPUs in the system.

cpu_limit = fresnel.Device(mode='cpu', n=6)
<fresnel.Device: 6 CPU threads>

Attach a scene to a device#

Each Scene must be attached to a device when created.

scene_gpu = fresnel.Scene(device=gpu)
scene_cpu = fresnel.Scene(device=cpu)

These two scenes have the same API, but different implementations.

for scene in [scene_cpu, scene_gpu]:
    geometry = fresnel.geometry.Sphere(scene, N=8, radius=1.0)
    geometry.position[:] = [[1,1,1],
    geometry.material = fresnel.material.Material(color=fresnel.color.linear([0.25,0.5,1])) =

Rendered output is essentially identical from the two devices.

fresnel.preview(scene_gpu, w=300, h=300)
fresnel.preview(scene_cpu, w=300, h=300)

Memory consumption#

Each Device consumes memory by itself. When maintaining multiple scenes, attach them all to the same device to reduce memory consumption.

import math
scene2_gpu = fresnel.Scene(device=gpu)
position = []
for k in range(5):
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            position.append([2*i, 2*j, 2*k])
geometry = fresnel.geometry.Sphere(scene2_gpu, position = position, radius=1.0)
geometry.color[::4] = fresnel.color.linear([0.25,0.5,1])
geometry.color[1::4] = fresnel.color.linear([1,0.714,0.169])
geometry.color[2::4] = fresnel.color.linear([0.42,0.267,1])
geometry.color[3::4] = fresnel.color.linear([1,0.874,0.169])
geometry.material = fresnel.material.Material(solid=0.0, primitive_color_mix=1.0) =
fresnel.preview(scene2_gpu, w=300, h=300)

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